Thursday, February 25, 2021

Pain in the Butt

Inspirational song: Heart of Glass (Blondie)

Results from yesterday's MRI came in pretty quickly. I had a message from my rheumatologist on the portal by early afternoon. Apparently sometime late last year, I partially tore the gluteus minimus tendon, and there is associated bursitis. Well, I guess that is better than learning of damage to the bones, which would be harder to rehab? She wants me to do physical therapy, but I think this means making a detour through my primary care doctor for the actual referral. Insurance is just so much fun. Until that is sorted out, ice and rest appear to be the recommendation of Dr Google.

Rest I'm good at. Ice is not my favorite, but I will tolerate it. I spent most of today decompressing from how anxious the condo sale made me. Basically, I was a worthless slug today, and I have zero guilt over it. I'll be better behaved tomorrow, I have to assume. It is acceptable to ditch responsibility for only so long.

I do not own tonight's image. The website that does own it is named on the picture. I looked up where the gluteus minimus tendon is, and sure enough, that is exactly where it has been hurting for the last five or six months. Wish I could remember an incident that caused a tear. I don't. But as my daughter reminded me, repetitive motion from my unstable, hypermobile joints could have been enough to do it. As they say often over on disability Twitter, gosh, bodies are awesome.

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