Sunday, February 14, 2021

Kill the Wabbit

Inspirational song: Fox on the Run (Sweet)

Yesterday I mentioned how my grandbaby is teething, and is having periods of unrest over it. She is not the only girl in the family struggling to control her mouth these days. Saoirse has gone from puppy with teeth growing in to teenager with the deep need to chew everything to bits. This weekend she ripped the Deadpool toy off of the back of his unicorn, and tore him to pieces, ate the rainbow mane off of another unicorn, and shredded a fox cat toy. I know it is a phase, and she will probably only be in it a few months, although it is possible it will last a year or more. I've been generous with the pork hide twists, because I'd rather go through bags of those than start losing shoes or furniture. I bought a giant bag of beef rawhides barely bigger than a cigarette, back when she was a little puppy. I should have given her more of them when they were the right size for her, because now I have tons left. I gave her a few yesterday, and she went through them too fast. She swallowed too big a piece, and started gagging on it. I don't think she will get any more of the little ones.

The second to last intermediate training class was today. Three dogs, including mine, were squirrely and had trouble focusing until near the end of class, and the fourth--Roscoe--was totally on point. Before we left the store, I took her over to pick out what I thought would be a brilliant solution to her chewing needs. They had a section with toys made of "real firehose." That sounds tough, right? I got a rabbit and a fox the same deep red as the Deadpool and the cat toy she killed on Saturday.

I gave her both toys when we got home. She turned her nose up at the fox, but the lighter, higher squeaker in the rabbit caught her attention. We went off and watched the next in our Marvel movies in timeline order series (we are up to Guardians of the Galaxy 2), and didn't think much about why she wasn't between us on the bed during the movie. The Mr got up to let all the dogs go out for a potty break, and when he came back, he tossed the rabbit on the bed. One torn ear and both legs gone, in about three hours. Wow. I can't decide whether to declare the firehose material insufficient, or just right, because she obviously enjoyed the process of destroying it. Good thing they were buy-one-get-one-50%-off.

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