Monday, December 20, 2021

Four Piece

Inspirational song: I Want You For Christmas (Cheap Trick)

I made a list. I've gone over it a few times, so I guess that means I've checked it twice and then some. It's a detailed timeline for all the things I need to complete by dinnertime on Friday. For the first time this month, the existence of a plan has made me feel calm and in control. I doubt that feeling will last, as the holiday comes rushing up to smack me in the face, but for now, I feel like I have a handle on this.

Three of the hardest gifts to figure out are now done. They are purchased and in my room, waiting to be wrapped. Yay! I had to drive up to the big shopping center northeast of Loveland to get one of them. It was the closest store I could find that had the right item in stock. Thank goodness for the internet and curbside pickup! I would never have had the energy to drive to every store in town before looking everywhere within an hour drive in any given direction. I found this one on the third website I tried, and considered myself lucky. I bought it and grabbed my puppy to be my travel companion. I think this qualifies under "service dog duties."

There is a drawback to traveling with the cutest dog in Colorado, however. We went through the McDonald's drive through for fries and a coke for the trip. When I handed over my debit card at the first window, she stood on my knees and sniffed at the magic fry shop. The kid at the register gushed over how cute she is, and he said, "hang on, I'm gonna go get her a four-piece." He ran off and returned with a tiny box of chicken nuggets before I could say, "but...gluten..." So when we got to our second stop, buying gas for the drive, I fed her the chicken and then scrubbed my hands the best I could with a dry napkin. We split the fries once we got on the road again, and I just have to hope I didn't get glutened. If I did, I'm not feeling it yet.

Tomorrow needs to be a pretty big day of cleaning and cooking. That's the plan.

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