Sunday, December 19, 2021

Saturnalia Returns

Inspirational song: Cultist Prophet Blues (Gila Teen)

A choice had to be made. Did I keep the room silent and dark, following my daughter's directive of not allowing the baby any more screen time, or slide out from under the peacefully slumbering child to daylight the bedroom while writing a blog post? I made the smart choice. We stayed asleep in the dark. Writing could be done in the morning.

What a week that was. I was mentally and physically exhausted from everything I had to accomplish, but I also had to do something about my messy house ahead of the first sleepover without parents. I didn't know who was going to wake up first (turns out was me), so I had to address piles of clutter in my room that I had ignored all year, in case she slid out of bed and started grabbing stuff. I woke a good 45 minutes before she did, but by the time I started writing, she was awake and grabbing at my phone.

The reason she was here was her parents were able to revive their traditional Saturnalia party this year. Obviously they skipped it last year. Previously it had been at their house, and was tightly packed where seating was at a premium. This year they found a venue downtown for a reasonable fee where they could spread out through multiple rooms on two floors. It was another of the historic buildings that had renovated their upstairs events spaces, like the opera house where Rotary was last week. The party was a huge success. Dozens of friends showed, several in flowy costumes as requested (not traditional Roman garb per se, but with the right vibe). They had tables of period appropriate food, thankfully labeled and separated by whether it had gluten or meat in it. My daughter asked her cousin's band to perform, which was lots of fun. We left as they were doing a white elephant gift exchange and were just starting up karaoke.

We settled in to watch Rudolph when we got back to the house, and she sort of watched it. She doesn't quite have the focus for TV shows or movies yet. Once it was done, we turned out all the lights and got very quiet. She settled right in and fell asleep. She twirled and flopped and punched all night, but she slept so well. First sleepover was a success!

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