Thursday, December 9, 2021


Inspirational song: Tequila (The Champs)

The name of the restaurant chain is 3 Margaritas. When they bring out their original margarita, it's in the shaker (full), with a small champagne glass rimmed with salt. It works out to a bit more than 3 margaritas when you consume it all, but it is close enough to be truth in advertising. And, as it turns out, it is more than this grandma, who has not been drinking much alcohol for a few years and has zero tolerance, can handle. Sure was a good thing I was not responsible for driving us home. It was all I could do to get me settled in the adjustable bed, with the teevee playing. I stumbled more than I can remember doing, pretty much ever. But the vague anxiety that has been haunting me as I approach the deadline to renew my real estate license is not irritating me quite as much at this time, so I think it will end up being worth it.

This was my son-in-law's birthday, so we went out to the chain restaurant that represents the best comfort food for him for a celebratory dinner. Yet, even though dinner had a reason and a function, and the restaurant staff devoted themselves to a show of tribute (and mild embarrassment) to our son-in-law, he just couldn't claim title to star of the show. A tiny queen would not be denied the spotlight. She has learned just how easy it is for her to command a room, and she is heady with power. 

So on that note, I will wrap with one last happy birthday wish to my son-in-law, and get on with the Valerie pictures. Enjoy!

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