Friday, February 11, 2022

Color the World

Inspirational song: Magic Bus (The Who)

Babysitting was hard today. The kiddo was fine. She was her normal, active, inquisitive self. It was me. My nerves were frazzled, so every time she climbed me, or dropped crayons on the hard floor with a clatter, or asked a question just with a grunt, I was set on edge. I couldn't say why I was particularly cranky today. I'm sure it was some combination of the usual stuff. I was just really thankful that ol' grandpa doesn't teach on Fridays, and a snowstorm blew in, keeping him from going to his mountain today. I needed the help. That girl loves playing with her grandpa, so that was a bonus. In fact, while they were sitting at the table together, while she was coloring, she was chattier than I've heard her in weeks. She was just hamming it up for grandpa. I hope that's a sign she is getting past whatever vocal shyness had been getting in the way of her talking with us. 

We should have taken her out to play in the snow. It wasn't super cold, and the flakes were big and fluffy this time around. There could have been excellent photos. Alas, no one was motivated enough to bundle up and go out. 

Instead we stayed in, spending the bulk of our time coloring. Auntie suggested we start laying bets on whether she will be right-handed, left-handed, or both. Hard to say at this point. As a mostly-ambidextrous leftie, I have hopes she will take after me. But really, I'd be fine with either hand, if she follows in the family tradition of sketching and doodling and having a general interest in creating art. As she gets more and more handy with the crayons and pencils, that is looking good for us. It won't be long now that we can start other kinds of crafting too. Ooh, just imagine how much fun it will be to pull out glue and glitter! 

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