Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Inspirational song: There Is No Arizona (Jamie O'Neal)

Don't ever think I'm not listening when I get feedback from y'all. I truly love it when you engage with me (even if the Blogger app doesn't always let me see comments directly on the blog itself--I guess that's the best justification for keeping the SFSP Facebook page.) I got a lot of interaction over the last few days, and I'm pleased to have the conversation. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that I put up lots of pictures of Valerie, and those catch everyone's eyes. She is darned cute.

To sum up the things I've heard in the last couple days, firstly you have absolutely convinced me now to take Saoirse to a groomer next time she gets whiffy. I am not going through the struggle of showering with her again. I'm still sore from lifting her. I will, however, wait until the middle of spring for her next bath, until there is less snow and more grass in the back yard. She and Murray murdered all the grass we finally got to grow last year, creating a giant expanse of mud. We will start from seed again in a month or so.

Second, I saw what you said, Mom. Yes, come visit and play with that toddler. If you can stand to wait until fall, then you can cuddle two babies! Just let me know when to get my house Great-Grandma level of clean.

And finally, I'm listening to everyone with feedback on the impending car purchase. I am still internally conflicted which direction to go. I narrowed it down to a model, but which engine, which color, which dealer? So many choices. We can't make any moves for a week, until the house in New Mexico closes and we have our proceeds. My friend who bought a Tucson last year made a good point on timing, that we need to go ahead and put a deposit on one, in case we have to wait for delivery. Might as well get in line for mine, rather than waiting until I'm ready to drive a few weeks after surgery in March, and then maybe not receiving it for weeks or months after that.

In the time between now and having the funds, we need to dig deep and decide what makes the most sense. A plug-in hybrid is more expensive up front, and will require running a 220 line to the garage. But it means a tax credit up to $6500 next year, when we will be facing capital gains on the sale of a rental property (for which we took depreciation off our taxes for a decade), plus there is a $2500 incentive from the state of Colorado. It also means I would be charging from my solar panels, and most of the time I would be driving on pure electric around town. Drawback: I will either have to travel to buy it or wait until late summer, and I have less of a chance of getting a blue one. There is a regular hybrid in the deep sea blue sitting on a lot in Greeley right now. How patient am I, really?


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