Thursday, February 10, 2022

Hush Little Baby

Inspirational song: Grandma's Feather Bed (John Denver)

I had a near-total meltdown over my electronic devices today. I wasn't getting any of them to work for me, and it was an important time for me to have them. We had our annual updates class online, and I always connect through my phone to these meetings. It's too small a screen for me to see the presentation on. The boss tried a few different ways to get the slide deck to us, and I started off stuttering out of the gate. My iPad was being cranky and my laptop wasn't updated. We eventually got the slideshow out to everyone correctly, and I was able to view on my iPad in my lap, looking through the strong reader section of my progressive lenses (+2.5, baby! My eyes are shot!) I started running updates on the laptop I haven't touched in two months at the beginning of the class, around 8:45. I watched progress periodically through the morning. It didn't finish until well past noon. We needed to take an exam to get the CE credit, and that's where my day really went sideways. I have no idea why Google docs decided it hated me, but I can say for certain the feeling is mutual. I was tired by that point and my eyes hurt, and I couldn't figure out what was happening. I was on the verge of screaming and crying at the same time, and since Valerie had just arrived, I took the safe route, and texted the boss to say I needed some time. I set a reminder in my phone to send it later, closed the computer, and after that I calmed somewhat.

We are entering a phase where the baby will be here more often for a while. Not sure how long it will last. Work schedules are just changing a little for our kids, and Val is lucky enough to have grandparents close by who want nothing more than to see her whenever possible. 

We had fun today, but she wanted no part of napping when it was time. She took two toys to the bed with her, and letting her was a rookie mistake on my part. One of those toys was a play phone that made lots of noise. It kept her mind active for almost an hour while I was wishing we could both sack out for a bit. Eventually we did, but I didn't get nearly enough down time. I'll budget that time differently next time.

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