Monday, February 7, 2022

Happy Feelings

Inspirational song: Give It Away (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

It's time for a serious cost-benefit analysis. Is it worth repeating what I did today, wrestling a 75 pound sissy who did not want to get into the bathtub, even with no standing water in it? Or do I find out what a dog groomer costs, and let someone stronger than I take care of my cuddly flokati carpet? I'm strongly leaning towards the latter. It has been years since I was taking Bump and Elsa to the groomer on the regular, so my idea of what it costs is at least six or seven years out of date. It honestly can't be so much that it is worth struggling with Saoirse again like I did today. I am still sore from that nonsense. Her fur is a lot softer now, though. Maybe tomorrow, once I'm rested, I'll get around to clipping her claws. Yeah, I think paying someone to take care of this is my plan going forward.

I checked a few other things off the to-do list this afternoon, while I was feeling hale and hearty (as much as ever) for a while. First and foremost, I took 38 days' worth of donation items to the ARC. There were a few bonus items in there that Mr S-P tossed in. Dropping off a decently full trunkload of stuff I never have to see again gives me such a rush of happy brain chemicals. It means I have more space in closets and drawers, and it will take that much less effort to clean house. I swear, my 365-in-2022 idea was the best ever. I can't wait to see what my house looks like come summer or fall, maybe around day 200 or so of daily donations.

While I was dropping off donations and getting my car washed, the Mr was taking the baby for a walk. I had driven him to their house, and Valerie was confused why grandma was there so briefly and then left. I beat them back by just a few minutes, so I was in the house when they walked up. She was tromping through their dormant vegetable garden when I opened the door. The look on that kid's face when she realized I had returned... I managed to capture it. Tell me that doesn't make your heart skip a beat.

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