Saturday, February 19, 2022


Inspirational song: Blinded By the Light (v. Manfred Mann's Earth Band)

Money is in our accounts. The New Mexico house is no longer our concern. We needed to get out and celebrate having that whole situation off our backs. We pushed ourselves to get motivated and out of the door by 11:30 this morning, knowing we had three errands to accomplish before noon. Amazingly, we made it. Pharmacy, bank, and animal hospital, all in 30 minutes. We treated ourselves to lunch at a local taphouse, and came up with an idea for the gang to go back there in a few days for game night. We have received interest from a few members.

The Mr was super indecisive about whether to go to Costco today. Eventually he settled on going, if for no other reason than to load up on dog food and cat litter. In fact, we bought so much of those two things, I'm amazed my little car didn't pop a wheelie on the way home. It was back-heavy and a little harder to stop and start than usual. We went through with two separate carts, in two separate transactions, to get double the limit on cat litter, since it hasn't been on a good sale like this in a long time. Six 42-pound packs later, and we turned my car into a low rider.

The highlight of the evening was finally taking another chance at seeing a movie in a theater, for the second time in over two years. We wanted to see the latest retelling of Death on the Nile, and I'm glad we saw it on a big screen. It was visually lovely. Granted, as usual, I was deeply absorbed in looking at the clothing and props. Those are my favorite aspects of period pieces. The casting was fun, the acting and directing decent. Not sure it was a flawless film, but I am sure some of my impatience with it was that I couldn't get as comfortable as if we were watching from home, on the adjustable bed, in jammies, able to chat about things that we wanted to point out.

After a long day spent in pleasant companionship, doing fun activities, I am now as wiped out as can be. I need to snuggle my big fluffy dog who desperately needs a brushing, and rest up in the hopes tomorrow is equally good.

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