Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Last-Minute Surprise

Inspirational song: Ain't That Pretty at All (Warren Zevon)

Since Friday, I've been wondering, why haven't we received a closing disclosure from the title company in New Mexico? Shouldn't we have seen something by now? Closing is tomorrow. No, we had to wait until lunchtime today to hear anything, and it was our realtor saying hey, did you know there is a three thousand dollar lien on your house because of sewer and trash bills? Apparently in 2017, all of that stopped getting paid by tenants, and was put into our name, and all bills and cranky letters were getting mailed to the house in North Charleston, which we had sold two years earlier. Brilliant. Shouldn't this have come up weeks ago when they did the preliminary title search? So yeah, that can be settled tomorrow at closing, but it still made for a stressful and angry day. It wasn't until seven this evening that we got closing documents to sign, which we are to print, wet sign in front of a notary, and FedEx back tomorrow. Nice of them to warn us what to expect. He teaches a class at one in the afternoon, and at the same time, I have an appointment with the cancer surgeon (follow-up, not a new issue). So we have to get up early and race to Boulder to do this in front of the Mr's brother, who is a notary (as well as an attorney), and get it scanned, emailed, and FedExed before one o'clock. Ugh. I would never leave clients in the dark like this.

I'm regretting letting myself get upset and angry at all this while at lunch. I didn't read ingredients on a bag of chips until I was a third of the way through a serving. There, way down the list as the second to last item, was "malted barley flour" in the seasonings. It went exactly as poorly as I predicted it would. I'm sure the next two or three days will follow suit. Who needs barley in potato chips anyway? I'm calling the manufacturer all sorts of rude names in my mind.

At least I got to spend time with the baby to cheer me up. My son-in-law came over to use the laundry, as their dryer was misbehaving. I had hours with the cutest kid in Colorado. She was normal levels of sweet and active and funny, until her mommy came over after work. Then she turned on the afterburners. She spoke more words than I have heard from her yet, and if you count repeats, more than all other times combined. It was glorious. Her newest word, after grocery shopping this morning, is "pear." She told us all about it, while eating blueberries with me. I tried to get her to differentiate berries from pear, but that didn't work. Not worried. I'm just thrilled for how much she finally talked around me.

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