Thursday, February 3, 2022

Too Cold

Inspirational song: American Pie (Don McLean)

The local radio guy I follow on Twitter pointed out that this is the Day the Music Died. I haven't googled to verify, but I'll trust him on that. He's usually pretty reliable. I read that about 30 seconds after American Pie ended on the playlist I'm currently enjoying. I had news playing all day (cable news through an internet radio app), and not once did they reference it. I miss the days when entertainment and trivia could make appearances to cut the steady drone of stressful news.

My class this morning was postponed, and I absolutely blew off the entire day. It was super cold, anyway, so I didn't want to go out. It was something like -13 when I woke up this morning, and I jumped out of bed a few minutes later when Saoirse threw herself onto the back door. The dogs were out for their morning constitutional while the Mr prepared breakfast. I was having none if it. If the giant polar bear didn't want to be out, it was too cold to make them wait the extra five minutes for breakfast to be ready. The sun was out, and over the course of the day, it warmed up, but still never approached freezing, much less warmed past that point. 

Now I need to figure out how to get this big dog to bed. She helped herself to Murray's dinner remnants, including the pain pill he spat out. She's sleepy. I bet she pushes me off the bed tonight.

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