Thursday, August 4, 2022

It's Just These

Inspirational song: My Own Worst Enemy (Lit)

As of today, I'm back to even on my donate-every-day project. I had been ahead for weeks, but I had too many things going on to keep up with it while we had so many guests and events to attend. I intend to dive back in tomorrow, to donate, toss, recycle, and shred as much as I can put my hands on. I just dropped the Mr off at the airport, for a week's vacation with one of his best friends from high school. I hadn't even turned off Peña Boulevard before I started sing-songing in the car, "I'm gonna throw stuff away..." It is times like this that the things that can't be repaired or properly refilled (etc) go the hell away. He stops me from tossing unusable items, but when he isn't here, he can't stop me. I'm not sure why it always feels so sneaky, but it does.

So, with this being my plan for the upcoming six days, how did I spend my morning? On a long anticipated shopping trip to Home Goods in Boulder, with a side trip to the Joann fabrics further down the strip mall. I was open and honest about how I had been watching those decorate-for-fall videos, both here in the blog and out loud to the Mr. He just rolled his eyes and made a mildly snarky remark about backwards progress, but he didn't make any overtures to stop me. 

I really held back, all things considered. At Joann, all I got was a couple Americana themed fleece fabrics on clearance, to make up for not having a seasonally appropriate throw over my love seat (which I use to protect the fabric while the grandchildren are little spill-factories). They were ridiculously cheap. Even with tax, I barely spent over 11 dollars.

Home Goods was an interesting experience. It felt like I had stumbled back into a military spouses club or something. I chatted with multiple friendly women repeatedly throughout the store, comparing finds and making compliments on each other's taste. It was weird but fun, sort of being in the in-crowd. I probably ended up with one or two things I would have passed on, just from the intoxicating peer pressure. In line, I sent a (another) confessional photo to my daughter, of all the things I couldn't help but buy, even with the intention of thinning out my stuff. She just laughed at me. I have met the enemy, and she is me.

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