Saturday, August 27, 2022


Inspirational song: The Rubberband Man (The Spinners)

I gave myself permission to have an easy day. I didn't do a whole lot, didn't eat much, and mostly just watched YouTube videos. Now, of course those very videos will end up getting me in trouble, because a significant number of them involved fall ideas for house and garden. As long as I mostly stick with things I already have, it won't get too out of hand. For house decor, I can craft a lot of my own stuff. Am thinking maybe painting a couple canvases with some simple line drawings on an off-white background. For the garden, I can try again to propagate some of the coleus I am already growing, to fill out where the spring flowers are completely spent. Beyond that, I just need to get creative.

I would have slept late, but apparently the nearby neighborhood by the railroad tracks had other plans for me. In the wee hours this morning, there was a disturbance that woke me up, and following a series of loud noises I could just barely hear raised voices from blocks away. This morning at 7, I heard what sounded like a monotone voice through a speaker, but it was super quiet. The only words I could make out were something about coming out the front door, and now you are under arrest. I got up, and looked in the living room, where the Mr sat with a tablet in his hand. I asked if he was watching a video (no), and told him what I heard. He went out on the porch, but saw nothing. I checked the police blotter this morning, and sure enough, there was something that warranted police action just a few blocks away. That was quite enough excitement for me this weekend.

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