Monday, August 22, 2022

Spilled Milk Tea

Inspirational song: Pure Imagination (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

Another day with my best girl in the books. I had Val for a few hours this morning, before meeting with the others for lunch. As I promised yesterday, I tested her out with a live-action musical instead of animated. I put Willy Wonka on the iPad, and propped it up on the piano bench. She mostly ignored it, instead playacting her usual Frozen scenes in the living room. She wanted to help me wash dishes, by sitting on her tall chair and asking to have her hands washed. And after the movie, we tossed her in a bubble bath. For the first five minutes of it, she just paced back and forth, carrying on a non-stop commentary while she lined her duckies up. Her feet got super clean, but it took persuasion to get the rest of her done.

And then, while we waited for her parents to show up in front of the pho restaurant (that ended up being closed on Mondays), I looked down, and there she was, squatted down on the sidewalk, hand in a big smear where someone spilled a milk tea drink, drawing with chalk. So much for clean hands.

We went to the chicken restaurant across the street once we figured out the Vietnamese place was closed. It was a much tastier, much more expensive choice. But man, it was good.

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