Friday, August 28, 2020


Inspirational song: Move It On Over (Hank Williams)

The battle of wills has begun. Or more accurately, the battle of my patience versus two dog bladders. I'm hanging out on my neighbors' back patio, using their wifi, waiting for two of the three dogs to pee. The neighbors went to the mountains, and I darned near forgot that I was to take the dogs out before bed. But it eventually occurred to me I had a task, and I came over here just before 10. Jasper, the poodle, had no problem heading straight out into the yard. Barley is sitting with his butt on the threshold of the back door, looking at me like I murdered his parents, and Hops is hiding behind me like I'm the only thing keeping the monsters at bay. Boys, just pee so we can all go to bed. Seriously.

It has been a very doggie-centered day. The Mr made a quick trip up to his cabin, and Elsa was just certain that she was supposed to go too. When he left, and she was in the back yard, she had words for me. I let her look out front to see the truck was gone, and I think my heart shattered watching her figure it out. Poor girl. Maybe next week.

I got a message this evening that is both exciting and anxiety-producing. My puppy will be allowed to come to me when she is two months old, rather than three. The owner of the ranch spoke to her vet, and she said it would be just fine to let them go a little sooner. Now that means I need to finish setting up my house for the best chance of successful training. I need to clear all obstacles between my room (where I will set up the crate) and the door, plus buy a wire pen to put outside the crate for a place to put down pee pads. I guess I ought to roll up a few of the throw rugs for the first few months too.

I don't think I have had a puppy this young since Booka, our German shepherd/Chow mix, more than twenty years ago. He was the most beautiful pup, but he slipped out through a gap in the fence, and our daughter and the neighbor kid ran after him, and watched him get hit by a car. (We were lucky that one of them wasn't hit as well.) I will need lots of guidance training the new dog. I guess it is time to find out whether there are in-person basic classes happening yet. I have that personal trainer lined up, but she might be better utilized as an advanced instructor. So much to do, so much to do.

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