Sunday, August 23, 2020

Tempting Fate

Inspirational song: The Wheels On the Bus (Verna Hills)

After all the activity of the previous few days, today this little piggy stayed home. I needed a down day, and I took it. I washed a few dishes, put away some laundry, and made chili. Other than that, it was me and YouTube in a committed relationship all day. I watched a little Dingo Doodles, some cleaning motivation vids, and a lot of dog training stuff. I'm still nervous as heck about the first week the puppy will be here, but I'm making plans well in advance, so I'm not caught flat-footed in October.

I was the only one home, though. The Mr and the neighbors went for a sporty drive through the mountains, to put the new springs and "summer top" on the truck through their paces. He planned to show them the rough dirt road where he had one of his most spectacular wrecks, the year before we met. (I shall not be recounting it here. It still stresses me out to remember.) I knew I did not have the energy or inner peace to go up, so I wished them well and reminded them that there would be dinner waiting for them.

I contacted them as pet dinner time approached, and all seemed well. There was no hint of distress at that time. Then about two hours later, T texted our group chat with a photo. Apparently when Mr S-P swapped out the wheels on the 4runner, with larger seventeen inch rims (he says it's easier to find tires that way), he didn't get one of them on right. Or maybe it was that the existing tires were out of balance. Whatever, it created a bit of drama. T's girlfriend A heard a noise, like metal bouncing behind them, and spoke up just before the last remaining lug nut gave way and the front tire fell off. By the time they sent the photo to us all, they had gotten it cobbled back together and were continuing down, but T's face when they got home spoke volumes.

I am so, so glad I stayed home.

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