Thursday, August 13, 2020


Inspirational song: Red Skies (The Fixx)

Fires on the western side of the divide, near and far, are kicking up a nearly impenetrable haze on our side of the mountains. We had to go to Boulder to do a final walk-through after we lost our renter in the condo, and the whole way there I watched the red haze above the Flatirons. Destruction miles away gives us peaceful, pretty sunsets. It hardly seems fair to appreciate the colors.

Today was a long, long day. I wore myself out three times over. I spent long hours moving furniture around in the living room, cleaning as I went, in order to roll over the heavy Chinese wool rug to put a thicker, bigger pad under it. I had to sit and rest every few minutes, after every heavy chair moved, after three or four trips to the recycling bin, after each of many passes over the top with the vacuum. The hardest parts were moving my Flexsteel rocking chair that sits on a steel ring instead of the usual parallel base, and lifting and rolling the rug longways in half to put the pad under it bits at a time. The saddest part was moving the side table that Rabbit used to hide under, that hadn't been moved since she died, and finding the carpet covered in white fur. The room is mostly reassembled, but there is still difficult stuff left to do, namely clean the clutter off the piano and find a place to put it.

All of this was to keep me busy so my mind didn't eat me alive while I waited all day to hear back on the offer I submitted yesterday. Just as my clients and I were getting pissy and morose, convinced that we were out of luck again, I got a text. The seller's agent countered with two ridiculously minor demands: that all deadlines in the contract be set at 5pm, and that we agree to do the closing at their Denver office. We looked the counter over again and again. This was it? All they were stipulating? So my guys signed and it's done! The townhouse they fell in love with is on the way to becoming their home. We knew the moment we walked in it that it was perfect. I knew I would move heaven and earth to get it for them. And I have great confidence I will get exactly what I asked for: the chance to have coffee on their adorable patio, next to their little fishpond. (Now I just have to convince them to put fish in it.)

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