Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Champ

Inspirational song: We Are the Champions (Queen)

My feet are dead. I think they just fell off halfway through the last giant store my girls and I walked through, and I just stumbled around on stumps ever since. Between yesterday with my foster daughter and all day with my daughter and granddaughter, I walked more miles than I have in over a year. Still, for all the fatigue, I wouldn't trade a minute of the last two days for yet another boring day hanging out in front of the TV.

We didn't make a plan to bring the girls on our Costco run this morning, but when the opportunity presented itself, we happily changed course. We kept Dino in her carseat, and I pushed one cart with just her in it, while grandpa loaded up one for just groceries. It was a close thing, remembering not to buy too many bulky items, since we were in my little car, with two more bodies than usual. Right as we were paying, our daughter whisked Dino off to the restroom, just in case she needed to be freshened up. Yeah. We waited and waited and waited by the exits, until finally I went on a rescue mission. Apparently the 2020 Champion Pooper reclaimed her title once again. She ruined her clothes and made my carseat a bit messy too. It was bad enough that when we came back to my house, she had to have a bath here while I dug out the few remaining 3-6 month size clothes that I hadn't sent home with her already. I also found a hooded towel that her mama used way back in the day, and we talked about recreating one of our favorite pictures of me and her. That will be forthcoming, very soon.

The girls stayed for lunch, and then we hit another big store on the way home for some crafting, food, and pet items. Dino was snoozing through most of that store in the stretchy wrap-around carrier. When we got to the car, we discovered that the Champ struck again. This time she shared the love with her mommy. So the first thing we did upon arriving at her home, while I carried in the stuff we had brought, was for her mama to take her upstairs for more cleaning and a third change of clothes. I had forgotten how much laundry a person this small can generate. But when you are the reigning champ, it is to be expected 

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