Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Inspirational song: A Day in the Life (The Beatles)

How is it possible that sleeping most of the way from mid-afternoon through almost eight in the morning, with only a few periods of lucidity, was not enough to make up all sleep deficit ever? I was groggy over my coffee, and I still needed a nap at three this afternoon. If this doesn't clear up, I might have to take a critical eye to my medication changes.

I goofed royally this morning, but got away with it. I was still in my robe, halfway through my coffee, when my phone alarm went off. I was supposed to be in Boulder fifteen minutes later. There was no way that was going to happen. I managed to call and postpone my appointment by an hour, so I could actually shower before dressing, but I spent the entire time I was down there apologizing to everyone for my error. I've felt off my game ever since.

On my way back, I got sidetracked long enough to play with the baby while her mama cleaned house. She was charming the entire time, and was more engaged with crinkly baby books than I have ever seen. Every time I see her, she has learned some new trick or skill, and this is the most fun ever.

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