Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How About This One?

Inspirational song: Back In the Saddle (Aerosmith)

Maybe things happen for a reason. If the offer we submitted this afternoon gets accepted, then I will consider last week's stress and failure to be merely a learning process and good practice. My client and I went to a townhouse today that was 40 years younger than the first house, 400-600 square feet bigger (I would need to check), and 2000 cheaper on the asking price. All of this would be accompanied by a choir of angels, except that it is far away from here and has a heckin' big HOA. I would like these guys to be in my neighborhood, but if they get this house, I will celebrate with them, no reservations. 

After all that time too sick to work, and then months of feeling okay but completely without mojo, I can't be mad that last week was a huge sink-or-swim whirl. I needed a jolt to get me back on my game. So when we toured the perfect townhouse this morning, and proceeded to sit in front of the second house, on the phone with client's banker to start the ball rolling on an offer, I was well-primed to move fast. No feelings of self doubt. As soon as I was back at the house, I was on the phone, starting to deal. Within two and a half hours, a strong, clean, full-price offer was in. This time I received the courtesy of a response acknowledging the offer. Too bad I can't drown my stress in booze, chocolate, or popcorn while I wait for a response. Stupid diet.

So far all of this sounds positive. Not everything is. They had another offer on the table, with a deadline of 5pm tonight. My deadline is 5pm tomorrow. I have emotions about this. I have been the one scooped at the last minute by a higher offer when I was just sure we had a winner. That first year of being an agent was rough that way. I know how horrible my other clients and I felt when that happened. If I do that to someone else, I will feel guilt. But the joy of getting these people I care about this particular home would take care of that.

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