Sunday, September 27, 2020


Inspirational song: History Has Its Eyes On You (Hamilton)

This was a day to try new things. Some went really well. Some were hard. The worst is going on right now. Saoirse is upset with me. I'm trying again with the kennel, and she still hates it, and is telling me so loudly. But I am so tired of her scratching and nibbling on me when I sleep, and I'm beyond tired of cleaning up after her. I had to change pajamas just now, when I picked her up to take her out to pee, and she immediately started peeing down my side. I need a reset. We will discuss sleeping arrangements again in a few days.

Other new things were far more fun. On Friday, Dino had her checkup, and they discussed how and when to introduce foods. The kids started out letting her taste things that she wasn't actually eating, like experimenting with bananas and celery (soft and hard, they said). I went to the store and got bananas, but I also got some stage one baby foods, so I would be ready when her mama said it was cool to try them. I think there was a little miscommunication when I described what I had, because when she told me to let her try carrots, she thought I was just going to let her gum a solid carrot. I got a jar and a spoon and a washcloth (couldn't find the bib I know is here somewhere), and we started learning. At four and a half months old, Dino was 100% ready for this. She let me know right away. I was amazed at how much she ate, and how well. Yes, she was covered in carrots, but more than a third of the jar ended up in her belly. I took a little video to send her mommy, of us laughing at the orange poops to come for her parents.

Dino was covered in food and she was sticky and stinky by the time we finished. I gave her a bath and put her in a new sleeper, and threw everything the both of us were wearing in the wash. It was so worth it. That kid was enthusiastic about trying new things. She still needed a big bottle afterwards, but real foods are in her immediate future. I love this part.

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