Saturday, September 26, 2020


Inspirational song: Nothing Ever Goes As Planned (Styx)

The schedule changed at the last moment this morning. I was halfway through my coffee, animals fed, kitchen tidied, when I got word that I wasn't babysitting today. That meant getting the word to the crew on the mountain that they could take another day to work on the cabin while I stayed down here. (To be clear, the one human did the work and the two dogs spent almost the entire day asleep.) It was just as well. The puppy was a handful and a half, and not always in a fun way. I couldn't get her nails trimmed, and she was full of playful swatting. I am scratched up. And I don't know whether she is working up a bladder infection, but wow, does this dog pee a lot. I mean frequency, not quantity. I have had to jump up and race to the door a hundred times today, I swear. This usually follows her squatting on the floor, and even after that, she goes two or three more times outside. Of course she started this on a Saturday. First thing Monday we will call the vet and get her started there, a couple weeks ahead of her shot schedule. 

It is the time of year I usually plan a long drive through the mountains to look at the aspens as they turn warm colors. From his cabin, the Mr said if I want to do that, tomorrow is probably the best day. The aspens were at peak color on his hill yesterday, and as he came home, he said strong winds had stripped most of the leaves off his hill in one day. If we have the baby tomorrow, plus a squirmy puppy who does not like to ride in the car, I may just let this year slide. I like this tradition, but it's hard to see a good time for it. Even Rocky Mountain National Park is tricky now. They were forcing people to make online reservations this summer, and I don't know that I want to be stuck to a rigid schedule to go over Trail Ridge Road this fall. 

Okay, one more trip outside with this puppy. I am considering squeezing her like Murray needs every night, so that we can sleep more hours in a row tonight.

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