Thursday, March 18, 2021

Bumper Car

Inspirational song: Going Mobile (The Who)

Toddler energy is boundless energy. There is a reason raising children is a sport for young people. Younger than me, anyway. It's fun having that baby all afternoon and evening, but it takes a toll on a grandmotherly body. 

The new advancements appear to include rudimentary singing. I can't quite explain what the difference is, but she was for sure singing a kind of rhythm and lyrics, without being able to actually repeat the real words. She also has learned to love blowing razzberries and spit bubbles, and growling. It's cute as all getout, but a bit on the messy side. 

I set her in her walker chair, and put it on the hard tile, off the carpet. From there it was off to the races. She did laps of the house, getting very frustrated when she would bang into something that stopped her, but half the time she performed competent three-point turns to get moving again. If this kid isn't running unaided by her first birthday, I will eat my hat.

A final bit of excellent news: while I was holding the baby, trying to keep my phone out of reach, I saw the little red app notification from UCHealth come up. It was my 48-hour window to make an appointment for the vaccine. I didn't expect it to be so soon, but they had a whole bunch open for tomorrow morning. Naturally I jumped at the chance. I have to drive up to Fort Collins to get it, but it's not like I don't know the way there. (That's where my brokerage office is.) I'm getting vaccinated! Hooray!

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