Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Worth It

Inspirational song: Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)

As predicted, I was able to nod off pretty easily last night. I only wish I had been left alone to sleep the whole night through. It is so not cool to wake up already needing a nap. It's even more uncool not to be able to get one.

My quarterly check-in with the oncologist went swimmingly. Some good back and forth, and clear suggestions about what to do over the next quarter. And she is so on top of things, she even got the imaging center to call and schedule my next mammogram, not due until June. I'm all set.

My Grumpus showed up halfway through Rotary. She made some cute faces at my camera, even though the person giving our presentation was sharing her screen, so we were probably not very visible. She was active, as she so often is, and was super interactive. It is not advisable to ignore a kod like that. She can get anywhere in a flash. No telling what she would get into given half a chance. Her "language" is starting to feel more deliberate, and her jokes more elaborate. I have a feeling one day soon we will be having actual conversations in English, and it will feel like it came out of nowhere. She had one significant cranky moment, and it was immediately followed by a nap, sacked out on my chest for 45 minutes. Snuggles like that are totally worth the momentary tantrums that proceed them.

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