Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Inspirational song: Bodies (Sex Pistols)

CDC is starting to tell us to mask up again. This is not helping to alleviate my nervousness over the upcoming trip that we have already booked and paid for. I was sitting next to a (retired?) doctor at Rotary today, discussing masking and caution, and he asked me was I just kidding about intending to wear a hazmat suit in Vegas. I said I was, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't considering a level of caution approaching full-body scuba gear. As much as I plan on overprotecting myself, how do I convince those young'uns going to the bachelor/bachelorette antics to stay masked and stay the hell away from me?

I'm already back to masking at the grocery store and similar shopping. I might not be a trendsetter in this respect, but I wasn't blind to the trends themselves. I suspect this week will be the last time I will go unmasked at Rotary, and there's no way I'll be the only one going back. I have way too much riding on being healthy over the next five or six weeks. Keep that stupid virus away from me!

We only had the baby for about two hours this morning, while her mommy was at an appointment. It was just long enough to have a great time playing, without her getting tired or cranky. Unlike yesterday, that kid packed in some food. Grandpa took her outside to pick berries (and from what I hear, 100% of them went straight into mouths), and then he made eggs and cheese. Every bite of egg seemed to power up the dancy feet. She had a blast. This evening, we got pictures of the new magnet letters her parents got when they replaced their fridge. She loved them, and according to the videos, she thought it was hilarious to grab handfuls of them to take to the front door. I'm pretty sure we will get a few sets for this house. It's literacy time!

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