Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Inspirational song: Signs (Five Man Electrical Band)

I can finally reveal the silly little art project that has consumed me since Friday night! Last week I was looking for something to keep my hands busy that wasn't a screen of any sort. I knew I had a bunch of cross stitch supplies, so I sought inspiration in the most obvious of places--Pinterest. It took quite a bit of scrolling to come across a quote that really spoke to me (pun intended), although the pattern was a generic ring of flowers. The quote was, "But did you die?" I knew that was the right one, since Mr S-P always says that to our neighbor whenever he starts complaining about some scary mishap the two of them have gotten into, invariably at Mr S-P's instigation. I just had to make the pictures more personal to them.

I started with a mountain scene, into which I put a tiny replica of the cabin, complete with the aspen meadow and Murray's ramp off the deck. (It's very small, but if you zoom in on the picture, you can see it.) Then I countered that with a campfire, not for any specific incident, but they usually have a fire going up there to burn off slash, unless there is a county or state wide burn ban. On the right I made a hammer and saw. (So many saw mishaps. Oh, God, so many...) And finally on the left, I put a truck tire, with one lug nut loose on the ground. I might have told that story of why they call his truck a "3Runner" already. If not, it deserves its own whole blog post.

I presented this gift, to honor our wedding anniversary (today), to the Mr at our weekly game night. I knew it would amuse everyone else as much as it would the man. I was right. I left him the option of leaving it in the embroidery hoop and trimming the edges, or ironing it flat and framing it. He chose framing, and he wants to take it to the cabin and hang it there. I am pleased by this choice.

Also, the baby was quite entertaining during tonight's game. As always.

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