Friday, July 2, 2021


Inspirational song: Boom Boom (The Animals)

Baby's first fourth of July weekend is going better than I expected. In this instance, the baby is the giant puppy who is able to completely tune out the sound of fireworks, which have been exploding non-stop in our neighborhood since the sun first dipped behind the mountains. Saoirse is conked out on the living room floor, not even flinching when someone launches a big aerial within a block of us. I would say she has been calm all week, but with me not having any energy to take her on enough outings, she has regressed a bit, and does nothing but bark out the front window at anything and everything (and nothing). 

We had an extended grooming tonight. I had to just sit on the floor with her, and let her spin circles in my lap. It worked well enough to get so much undercoat out that when I carried it to the trash, I couldn't compress it smaller than a cantaloupe size. She seems so narrow now, and lighter in color too. My summer dog is awfully cute.

Not to be outdone by the naughty barking dog, the kitty boys caused a major crash this afternoon. All the boards from my daybed were propped up in the craft room, and half of a vintage screen and a salvaged antique window from a house in Charleston were leaning against my craft cabinet. The boys tipped over the window and screen, and the resulting crash sent them scampering out of the room, bringing down a few of the 2x4s. I'm lucky that neither more of the window glass nor the wall mirror where the boards landed were smashed. Time to find a place to store all that lumber where the cats can't find it.

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