Friday, July 23, 2021

Joe and the Brain Cloud

Inspirational song: Sixteen Tons (v. Eric Burdon)

Oh, thank goodness. For the first time in ages, we brought out an older movie to watch next door that mostly held up over time. We had been on shaky ground, especially after the last one I insisted on. There was a soupçon of questionable appropriateness with the casting at the very end of the movie (which is technically explained ahead of time, albeit a serious reach for the plot), but overall we weren't cringing over homophobia, misogyny, racism, or other problematic themes from other movies from our youth that didn't hold up as well.

Naturally, this movie benefitted from being the first of the three Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan rom-coms. We watched Joe Versus the Volcano, and we found plenty to still like about it. T had never seen it, but once he realized it was an early Tom Hanks movie, he was willing to try it. Now he understands when we make references to a "brain cloud" and indestructible steamer trunks. To this day, I have wanted some of that luggage.

I did a fair bit of shopping with my girls today. We walked around three very large stores (Bed, Bath & Beyond, Target, and the biggest King Soopers in town), and now I want to crawl under a rock and cry. I am so tired, partly from the walking and partly because of the emotional and physical energy expended keeping that baby happy. As I told T tonight, now that she is more than one year old, She Is Two. Tantrums have started, as has frustration with shopping carts, car seats, and boring bottles of milk. She doesn't quite comprehend the gap of time between selecting a food item in the store and paying for it before shoving it in your face hole. It is going to take practice and a bit more language skills before these things go smoothly. I'm not giving up on outings with the baby, but I will be glad for some more sophisticated communication skills when they arrive.

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