Thursday, September 9, 2021

Lunch Companion

Inspirational song: Brave (Marillion)

If one is going to devote an entire day to resting and healing, with only one trip out to change the scenery, then that one trip had better be good. I can say with certainty that it was. I got a bag lunch from the gluten-free bakery, and took it over to eat with my favorite toddler. How lucky am I that she is so close that I can do that whenever I want? Don't ever think I don't appreciate what I have. I know it's rare and wonderful.

Baby had a lot of pre-nap energy, and she climbed all over me while I ate and we watched the animated movie Brave. (I am trying so hard to hang on to my ginger cancer curls, long enough to go as princess Merida for Halloween, but my hair is noticeably straightening again. I might have to sleep in sponge rollers the night before.) Valerie likes it when the Disney+ animation comes on screen on startup, but she hasn't quite acquired the skills necessary to watch a whole movie start to finish. She got fussy and had to go down for a nap before the movie ended. (Ironically, I went down for one not long after she did.)

I was too busy getting stepped on and trying to protect my post-surgery bits to take any pictures of the baby. When she woke, her parents took her for a stroll, and I stole the photo they sent. I'll see about getting some original work of my own for tomorrow.

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