Thursday, September 23, 2021

Ride a Painted Pony

Inspirational song: The Carousel Waltz (Carousel)

For Christmas 2018, my daughter gave me a gift card to a lovely day spa we had discovered the year before. I had intended on using the card for pedicures, or maybe a mani-pedi. A month later, I was working up the nerve to call the doc to investigate the lump I had just found in my breast. Spa treatments went on the back burner. I wished for a pedicure during chemo, but assumed it would be too dangerous to risk an infection from a nicked cuticle, when I was severely neutropenic. I sort of forgot about it for a while, and as I was ready to think about getting out for pampering again, the pandemic forced us all inside again. I worried all last year that this spa wouldn't survive the economic crisis, but lo and behold, it was still there when we decided to schedule pedicures for this morning. Not only that, it was remodeled and expanded. Heck yeah. What a great morning that was.

I was invited to go to the mountains with the kids after, but I declined, knowing what all I had to do today. I wish I could have gone. Boy, did it look like fun. They looked at the changing aspens, had a nice meal, and best of all, took Val for her first ride on a carousel in Nederland. I received video of her reaction when it first started up. She was enchanted. I don't know how many of her experiences are imprinting hard enough for her to remember as she grows older, but I really hope this is one that stays with her forever.

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