Thursday, September 30, 2021

Have a Seat

Inspirational song: The Room Where It Happens (Hamilton)

To no one's surprise, I am a self-confessed political news junkie. I usually have a steady stream of it as the soundtrack to my life, playing on the TV (blaring from a different room than the one I'm occupying), or streaming on a device, or playing on satellite radio in the car. If I'm someplace without sound, I compulsively peek at Twitter, unless there is an extreme penalty for having my phone out. I even left the TV on cable news overnight many, many times over the last few years, when my sleep cycle was messed up for various medical issues. The last straw for me to give up DirecTV was when I realized that for close to two years, I had been only watching one or two channels, one a cable news network I could get cheaper elsewhere and the other local for news I can get for free over an antenna.

So when I tell you I actively hid from news today, you know it was a particularly annoying news day. I've just had it with grandstanding, and I'm not paying attention. These people need to sit their butts down and sort their crap out without me. Hanging on every breathless syllable from pundits and anchors will not change what is happening behind closed doors to work out budgets, debts, and infrastructure deals. I'm sick of people pretending they know where this ends. I needed a break from it anyway. I'm sure someone will tell me when it is safe to look back.

Things ought to improve from here for me personally. I had my fourth treatment this morning, and got my antibiotics picked up at noon. Saoirse went with me to the pharmacy like a good service dog. We came home, and she napped with me in the cold bedroom. As I write, I am now three pills into a twenty-eight pill course, and I'm seeing just enough change to have a glimmer of hope. The fatigue is building, though. I had no energy to make dinner, even though I had a two-hour nap. I'm sure it was a combination of conditions that made me tired so quickly. Thankfully the Mr was on board when I said that I wanted cheese enchiladas for dinner, and I wasn't about to stand up and cook. I won't have the oomph to go out to dinner every night during this treatment, but it is nice to have easy options for some of it.

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