Sunday, September 12, 2021


Inspirational song: In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins)

There I was, happily assembling digital puzzles on my iPad and listening to the History That Doesn't Suck podcast, when the last light switched off around me. We have two lamps on timers in the living room, one that shuts off at 10, the other at midnight. You would think I'd have a sense of self-preservation strong enough to send me to bed when the first one goes off. But no, I do well to leave the room before the second. Some lessons will never be learned, specifically the ones that involve aspects of health and well-being that benefit from better sleep.

It has been just over a week since I changed up how I view television. So far I've been pleased with Sling, especially on the iPad, have only used the Roku a few times, but I'm really struggling with over-the-air reception. I haven't used an antenna since the old days of aluminum foil on rabbit ears. I am out of practice on this stuff. I had it sitting on top of the TV, which is mounted on the wall, and reception was super spotty. It was so bad that I couldn't get CBS at all. I moved it over to the edge of the window today, and it was sort of okay for watching football, but it kept pixelating, sometimes cutting out altogether. What direction do I go with this? Push it farther out in the window? Replace it with one that claims a higher range? (Denver isn't all that far away, so I don't know how much difference that would make.) I'd rather leave the aluminum foil off of it, for the record. That fix can stay in the 1970s. 

I was going to take a picture of the digital scramble on the TV to illustrate for tonight, but of course it's just fine now. Is that because it's after midnight? I have a vague memory of better reception late at night. I'll just go with no photo instead.

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