Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Run to the Hills

Inspirational song: Sunshine on My Shoulders (John Denver)

Something I haven't talked about much (what, there is something I kept quiet about??) as I had my summer hijacked by a second round of breast cancer is how I have resolved to do more things right now. I have spent decades saying gosh, I'd like to do this or that, but I don't have the money or the nerve or the time or the body type... I'm done with that nonsense. I don't want to keep postponing things I want to do until "someday." I'm starting slowly, doing little things, but it's going to gain momentum. Even though this latest cancer was caught before it became invasive, just the fact that there was a second one was enough to force me to contemplate my own mortality. I'd been reluctant to act all through the pandemic. Didn't go places, didn't do things. I'd had plans to travel after I healed from the last round, and I just didn't go anywhere, because 2020 was so awful. In August I went to Las Vegas, in December I will go to Florida. Will there be more? I plan on it.

This morning, Mr S-P said he was going to run up to the mountains on an errand. His brother is building a cabin too, but under much different circumstances. Brother's is in Boulder County, with road access all the way to the door, and it has a significantly higher budget. He had to jump through all of the county's capricious whims to get his plan approved and permitted, so it has taken ages to get to the stage it's at now. Earlier in the summer, there was moisture in the crawl space, and they put two of the solar panels we had on it to run fans to dry it out. The Mr needed to go up to retrieve those panels, now that they served their purpose. 

I had been saying for a week or more that I should make time soon to go up in the mountains now that the aspens are starting to turn. While the Mr was gone, teaching his Wednesday class, I decided I would invite myself along to my brother-in-law's cabin, a little baby step to the Do It Now version of me. I haven't been to his property for years, since right after he bought it. I hadn't seen photos or plans or anything since then. I had no idea what his vacation spot looked like. I knew the road would be bouncy, and that we would be in one of the trucks to get there. I took a pillow to put between the seat belt and my recent surgical site, and was ready to roll.

The cabin looks amazing. I wouldn't let Mr S-P even describe it on the way up. I wanted to be surprised. I was, and pleasantly so. The aspens weren't consistently changing. Some were green, some gold, some orange, and some bare. And none were very close to the cabin. Still got a few good photos, though.

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