Thursday, September 16, 2021

Yet to Watch

Inspirational song: The Lonely Goatherd (Sound of Music)

This evening in the family group chat, we discovered an important omission, thanks to a comment by my older daughter. Valerie has not yet seen the Sound of Music. Granted, she is just barely getting the focus necessary to pay attention to single song music videos, but I think this means she is ready for a little of the big stuff. I mean, does it get better than Julie Andrews? Not for me and my girls. Maybe I will play a song or two on Spotify and test her reaction next time I see her.

I had two more doctor visits today. First was the radiation oncologist, same one as two years ago. She says we will do sixteen doses, once a day, for just over three weeks (weekends off). She said she would like to start between the 20th and 27th of this month, so it's coming soon. They have me coming in tomorrow to do the measurements, so they know how to set up the table, and can make the plan for where to irradiate. She asked if anything had changed since she saw me last, and I told her about the diaphragm pushing up on the lung on that side, in case that changes how they do things. She said if it is pushing the liver up, it might get a touch of radiation on the edge of it, which could make me a little nauseous. She promised we could treat that, if needed.

From that visit, I went out to the plastic surgeon's office in Boulder. I told them the proposed schedule from oncology, knowing it's the surgeon's call when it starts. I only saw the nurse today, but next Wednesday I will see him to get the call whether radiation can proceed. Good news from today, I have been cleared to lie on my side and sleep with the bed flat. Hooray! I'm gonna curl up in a tight fetal position tonight, and have the best sleep in a month.

I have a few Valerie pictures to share. Yesterday I stopped in on my way back from physical therapy. As I was leaving, her mommy put her in the car next to me. She just looked around with the cutest expression that said "huh, I've never been up here before." They came by on a walk again tonight. She was not still for a single moment. She found the bubble wand at the end of the evening, and both grandpa and I blew bubbles that she and Harvey were thrilled by. Not sure whether all the fun at her grandparents' house wore her out before bed, or just got her spun up good and tight.

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