Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Big Crash

Inspirational song: The No-No Song (Hoyt Axton)

That big crash I've known was coming arrived today. The timing was perfect, actually. Three members of our gaming group are sick, one was planning a kid birthday party, one was literally and figuratively drained from donating blood, and I was completely out of energy from doing way too much. This was the perfect time to give everyone a week off to recover. I don't know what anyone else did (except the birthday party), but me, I slept off and on for six hours in my chair, unwilling to get up even to refill a water glass for most of that time. Every muscle was sore, and I had no choice but to rest them.

I've been watching the weather forecast, along with every other gardener in the Front Range. We've gone from rain and maybe dipping just under 40 degrees this weekend to oh-crap-heavy-wet-snow-on-my-tomatoes! I'm going to have to find a place inside for all my flowerpots and herbs, and create plastic-covered cages for all tender plants in the ground. It will be raining for two days, turning to snow overnight between them, well below freezing two nights in a row. This is a challenge none of us expected. I'll be closely monitoring the prediction models as Friday approaches. Maybe it will change for the better, rather than trending towards the worst as it has been.

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