Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dark Days

Inspirational song: Nobody Told Me (John Lennon)

I don't know about all y'all, but I had to spend a lot of time away from the news today. As yesterday. I couldn't keep wrenching myself around with TV or Twitter. I needed frequent extended breaks, and lots of gardening videos. I spent a lot of time running around outside, and I dyed my hair (same ginger, just more vivid when fresh). It is too much for me to process how broken our souls are in this country, and how no one is able to/willing to do what it takes to fix us. I don't have solutions, just pain. So instead, I grow things. I grow plants. I grow cats and dogs. I grow kids and grandkids. And I feed them all. These are the only things I know how to do anymore.

After a half day of work on the Park, we went in search of replacement valves for the sprinkler system, and between two large hardware (and more) stores, we found none. Naturally I picked up a few more plants, because they were within reach, but I got far fewer than I wanted. I managed not to buy a blue hydrangea to keep in a pot on the porch, but only because all the ones I saw were so big, costing like 40 dollars. That is a lot to spend on a gamble of whether I can keep one alive in a pot.

I had three new hanging baskets in my cart at Lowe's, the black metal kind with coconut liners. Mr S-P swore he could find our old ones, and put them back, only taking fresh liners. When we got home, he looked all over, and eventually found them. Two the same size as the liners, two much larger. So we will go back to the store for one more that matches. With S-hook extenders, they hang lower, so we need to move out the ones on either end, so we don't bash the mail man in the head when he comes by. By the time I got one hanging pot transferred from plastic to coconut, it was dark. Too dark for a really good picture, but just light enough to see what's going on.

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