Friday, May 13, 2022

Spring in My Step

Inspirational song: Walk of Life (Dire Straits)

Last month sometime, I got a marketing email from Purina brands. Somehow they got it in their corporate heads that I have a cat named Valerie. Yeah. I thought it was funny at the time, but after having that kid sleep over last night, I'm not so sure they are wrong. Every time I even slightly shifted in my sleep, she scooted over just like the cats do, until I was basically hanging off the side of the bed. I sort of regretted letting the guest bed get piled too high with laundry to use last night. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep around catgirl last night, but I still appreciated having so much time with her. She went home right after breakfast, to discover that her daddy was back from visiting with other grandma. They were both quite pleased to see each other again.

We went to Costco for a tire change on the Mr's car. This meant nearly two hours of wandering every inch of the store at least once, and some aisles a couple times over. This is always a danger to the bank account, and this much walking is also a strain on my body. I've been limping around ever since. I could barely balance up the stepping stones to the outside faucet to water plants. And of course I came home with two more rose bushes, one for a friend and one for me. I'd never heard of Drift roses before (brand name), so when I saw these, I had to give it a shot. No idea where I'm going to put it, but luckily it is a small one.

I do really love this time of year. All my plants are still perky and cute, and all the herbs I planted are still sweet and tender. I made a big salad for dinner, and clipped a handful of tiny leaves for it. Spring salads are always the best. Don't let anyone tell you nobody actually likes salads. I adore them. Fresh herbs just make them taste like the best things in life.

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