Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Sing It

Inspirational song: Ice Ice Baby (Vanilla Ice)

Yes. It does happen every single time I go out. Yes, I know I have a problem. But the way we have looked at it for years is some people spend all their money on a ski slope or in clubs. Some people are addicted to drugs or gambling. Of all the things we could possibly compulsively burn money on, plants are probably the absolute least harmful thing we could have chosen. Today's assortment: two coleus, a nemesia, two alyssum four-packs, a zucchini, an orange pepper, and packs of corn seeds. And I've already admitted to myself I'm going back for the clay bowl I would have grabbed if I were pushing a cart at Ace.

I spent a lot of time with my girls this evening. I was over to help wrangle the Grump while her mommy hung up new wire shelves in a storage closet. We all decided we were hungry at the same time, and we went to pick up grandpa at a brewery right next to his climbing gym. We were going to go to a restaurant right away, but he had signed up for karaoke, so we ended up waiting half an hour for his turn to come up. Valerie was not the only kid in this establishment. We left right after she joined grandpa on stage for baby's first karaoke, as a young lady of perhaps nine years was just getting going good on Jolene. Props to the girl!

We tried a different Mexican restaurant we'd never been to before, just up the road from the brewery. It was the most full place we've seen since the start of the pandemic. We hoped that was a sign that the food would be good. Our main priority, however, was getting that baby what she was demanding for an hour: Ice. She loves it. She got a full cup of ice, and was content for the rest of the night. I mean, she still ate pieces of mommy's quesadilla and most of grandma's rice, but she was mellow about those. She also entertained us all evening with the list of new words she has picked up. She repeated back many of the things we said to her. And for some reason, she was really into cows today.

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