Monday, May 30, 2022

Going Faster

Inspirational song: Lookin' Out My Back Door (Creedence Clearwater Revival)

Memorial Day around these parts means the Bolder Boulder. I've never run in it, nor any other 10k race in my adult life, but a few times I have walked all around it, waiting for the Mr to run it. This time, I didn't even have to get up early and drop him off. He got himself there, assumably by going to a park and ride and taking the shuttle in. I stayed home and looked at the pictures he sent along the way. Sometime during the middle of the day, he messaged that he was limping back to the car and would be home soon. Apparently taking three years off and not training was a hard way to run a 10k. He's been a bit sore ever since. I don't blame him. I'd be laid out for a week if I tried at this point in my life.

My son-in-law came over this afternoon to help us work on characters for a game he is running. It's a game format none of us has played before (and I don't remember what it's called). The scenario will be time travel back to Roman Gaul, and I have decided to play a real person this time, specifically my own grandfather, circa 1976. It will be interesting to play a pragmatic Oklahoma dentist whisked back 1700 years to what would eventually become Lake Geneva. I'll do my best to be true to the source material.

Val came over with her daddy, and showed off her rapidly developing intellect and charm all evening. What was a chance proto-sentence yesterday was a pattern of subject-verb combinations today. She is so smart and we are all so impressed. She was playing in the front yard with Pa-pa-pa for a while, and she kept coming up and watching us through the glass. At one point she was staring through, touching her tongue to the window. I tried to capture that with the camera, and I wasn't fast enough. I got a series of peekaboo moments, when son-in-law said he had been working on facial expressions with her, naming them and showing her what they look like. He called out to her, "Valerie, can you scowl?" This time I clicked the camera at the exact right moment.

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