Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Past and Future

Inspirational song: Run to the Hills (Iron Maiden)

Another successful game night is in the books. We had good turnout. Most of our group made it for at least part of the evening. One person had to go home early, because although I made the house visibly clean, there was still way too much cat dander floating around in here. I wish I had a magic spell that would ease my neighbor's allergies.

I spent all day cooking and cleaning ahead of the game. I tried my first ever corn chowder, which seemed to be a big hit. I made meatloaf for the first time since the girls were teenagers, and it came out pretty good. There is no meatloaf left, and only a couple servings of chowder in the fridge, so I will assume everyone liked it. While I was enjoying a throwback kind of meal, I was enjoying a throwback kind of after dinner entertainment. As we were breaking up after the game, my daughter and foster daughter were reliving some of their high school hijinks. I said out loud, I just can't remember what life was like before you two were my twin daughters. It was great having my own two kids, but it was even better when I suddenly had three, without any of the extra labor, so to speak.

The grandkids are demonstrating that they are very different humans. Dmitri is noticeably taller at this stage (3 months) than Val was. He's already in 6 month sized clothes. He loves to stand and make eye contact, and he is very alert and observant. When one of the faces he loves suddenly appears in front of him, like mommy or big sister, he immediately gets chatty, smiling and cooing at them. I don't know what it says about how their adult personalities will turn out, but it sure is a pastime of mine trying to guess.

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