Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pumpkin Time

Inspirational song: Dallas (Jerrold Immel)

Why is the theme song to the TV show Dallas stuck in my head? No idea. But it's a better thing to focus on than my tinnitus that gets louder when I stay up late. 

I've been in this place before, so many times. It's the night before Halloween, and I have over-committed to projects that are extremely time sensitive. If I can force myself to labor another half-hour or so, I can get the snaps on Dmitri's onesie, and it will be essentially done. I have to wake early if I'm going to make a matching shirt for his father. I am grateful beyond imagining that Valerie's costume was finished last week.

Yesterday's fatigue didn't abate much, even with a solid night's sleep. I hurt like hell all day, mostly in my hips and shoulders. My daughter recognized how hard yesterday was on me, and she gave me help with the kids rather than dropping them off and splitting. She shifted her schedule and that made all the difference.

Two of our three pumpkins got carved at the end of the evening, right before everyone went home. Valerie got to choose the shapes for hers, and exactly as her mother predicted, she asked for the same ones she always wants: a heart, a moon, and a star. (There are others, but those three are always first when she wants us to draw for her.) They took that jack-o-lantern home with them, so she could admire her style choices. I can't wait to see her dressed up for trick-or-treating.

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