Monday, October 31, 2022

Spooky Kids

Inspirational song: Blood Upon the Risers (82nd Airborne Division Association)

After a long day of hand-sewing, fighting with a cranky sewing machine, and doing geometry on the fly, I cranked out the last two costumes. I started with sewing the rest of the snaps on Dmitri's onesie, and then making appliqué details on the shoulders and sewing on ST:TNG captain's rank. I got his completely done, and then started making a matching top for his daddy. I had to pause midway through cutting the adult sized one to take Alfred to the vet. (When you have four cats, sometimes it takes a process of elimination to figure out who peed blood. He is the second suspect. We are waiting for his test results.) Once home, I jumped back in to sewing. I had an epiphany as I was taking the cat for how to piece it to make the funky asymmetric color blocks in one short afternoon. The execution wasn't perfect (see above mention of fighting with the machine that kept grabbing the knit fabrics and knotting), but it worked for a costume. I ran out of time to sew on his rank. I told him he was going as an ensign. They took the time to fix it so he could at least pass as Commander Riker to Dmitri's Captain Picard.

I delivered the costumes at roughly six pm. I felt awful for making those kids wait to trick-or-treat. Valerie was completely dressed and waiting by the door in her Link costume (from the Wind Waker version of the Zelda video games.) She absolutely loved her outfit, and wouldn't put down the cardboard and duct tape sword her mother made.

Our houseguest and I went next door once the few trick-or-treaters we had dried up. The neighbors wanted to watch Ghostbusters, and L (time to stop typing out "houseguest") had never seen it. L also had never carved a jack-o-lantern, so it was a unique night all around. For the first try at pumpkin carving, they did a fantastic job. Took a great picture of it too.

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