Sunday, December 17, 2023

Even Keel

Inspirational song: Pleasant Valley Sunday (The Monkees)

Some of the pieces are starting to fall back into place. Our pet sitter and her spare animals have gone back home. The two lap cats have decided they like me again (after about 12 hours of being still mad) and have aggressively cuddled with me. My weekly pill holder is full again. I've enjoyed some absolute silence in the house while the other adults were gone. I've napped in my recliner. You know, the regular stuff. Normal, average Sundays feel comfortable.

While I was down in Florida, I invited a few plants to follow me home. The crew went for a couple walks to let the children work out some energy, and they stuffed their pockets with handfuls of Spanish moss, at my request. I asked for a tiny nibble of Christmas cactus to bring home and try to root up. The cactus is in a tiny terracotta pot, looking for roots. The Spanish moss is un-wadded, and now spread out in six different clusters in the house (of vastly different sizes). I held up a moderately small clump and showed Mr S-P, saying that at the Flower Bin that amount would be about $25. The amount we brought home would retail for several hundred, maybe a grand, if we parceled it out properly. Not that I intend to sell it. If any of my plant-appreciating friends want some, I will give them a share. Spread the love.

I did really like being back on my own bed last night. The one I was in for a week wasn't horrible, but it was much firmer than my body can handle long-term. Mine immediately squished under me just right, and my large collection of pillows helped me get my head and arms supported the way I need. It takes a lot of customization to prevent me from clenching up so hard I go numb and can't move when I wake. Vacations are fun, and the place we were staying was lovely, but as Valerie would also attest, there is nothing quite as wonderful as sleeping in your own bed.

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