Saturday, December 23, 2023

Good Game

Inspirational song: You're So Vain (Carly Simon)

Praise be to dog, the trip to Costco wasn't nearly as awful as we feared. Yes, it was crowded, and the lines were long. We ended up having to take the kids, because grandpa had a morning meeting he couldn't skip, so we went when regular babysitting time started. In the end, it wasn't noticeably worse than most weekends.  

On the way there, we stopped at a bookstore. I stayed in the children's section while he went to find what he wanted. They had a rocking horse that wasn't a horse, it was a chunky wooden motorcycle. The kids took turns on it. When grandpa returned, he was carrying a copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, purely by coincidence. Dmitri is still a bit young for that, but he was game to give it a look-see.

Our friend from the mountain is down for the weekend, and we closed out our night with a few rounds of Azul (a board game based on Portuguese ceramic tiles). Mr S-P won the first hands down. We weren't even close. I gathered my wits and managed to win the next two rounds. I told them there had to be one of the boards games I was good at. I usually get smoked by one or another of the regular players. Give me a chance to feel good about myself.

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