Saturday, March 9, 2024


Inspirational song: Viva Las Vegas (Elvis Presley)

My gamble from yesterday would have lost me ten dollars. I had bet that only my co-captain, SdG (leaving her some anonymity), and I would be present for our precinct at caucus. Well, we had one new person, who just bought a house like three blocks from me, and who works at the same college as Mr S-P. He seemed pretty into the whole process, and was ready to put his name in to be a delegate for county assembly, until he realized he had no availability to go further than that if needed. Our two regulars were able to step up and go farther if needed, so we were covered. Whew. Assembly is the day before I leave for California, so I wasn't about to do it. And new guy says he is totally ready to volunteer for later in the season. So I would have lost money on my bet, but in exchange, I gained a helper. Worth it.

While I was at caucus, grandpa took the kids on the bus to Boulder, to the CU campus. (I had the car seats, so it was best transportation option.) They had a fantastic time, on the bus, in Norlin library, out on the quad, and having lunch with grandpa. He sent us videos along the way, and there was one that seemed monumentally significant, if you knew what to look for. While they were playing on the quad, two young men went rolling by on skateboards down the sidewalk. Dmitri stopped everything he was doing, and stared enraptured at them. His posture told the story as he slowly pivoted, and watched them as they disappeared. That boy just discovered a true love. He will be on a skateboard before we know it. Future Tony Hawk has entered the chat.

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