Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Inspirational song: The Reflex (Duran Duran)

Maybe tonight's song should have a slight change of lyrics. It could fit better sung as "the reflux." I'm distinctly having tummy troubles after the way I've been eating for a week. I can't imagine I'm alone with that right now. Shoot, even Saoirse threw up today (thankfully on the tile portion of the floor, not on my lovely yellow rug that my dad got when he was halfway around the world with a whole lot of young American men in the late 60s).

I tried hard to narrow down the amount of information I had to absorb for several hours today. My girls were here, and we got caught up with one of our closest mutual friends. It felt good to reconnect after such a tough year. I learned details I had missed from such distance, much of which was distressing to hear, but is all part of life.

As we camped out in a giant pile of bodies on the bed, watching cable news and doomscrolling, the Mr came across a notice that Boulder County is about to tighten down Covid restrictions again. We aren't in a lockdown yet, but they are reducing the number of people who can gather in specific situations. This on the day we as a nation first passed a hundred thousand new cases in a single day. Our gaming group is preparing to go entirely remote, and we are wrapping our heads around a lonely winter. If narrowing our sphere of interaction will help, we will do it. But we won't like it.

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