Sunday, November 29, 2020


Inspirational song: For You (Manfred Mann's Earth Band)

Watching the Mr trimming the weeping chokecherry tree in the back yard this afternoon, it occurred to me that for the most part, his energies will directed at this property rather than the one up in the mountains until June. There are so many projects here that get absolutely dropped during the build season at the cabin. Some I don't care about so much. Many of them cause pain in my soul when I walk past them lying unloved, inside or outside the house. I don't expect him to get back to the big rock garden landscaping situation before spring, but other things that won't be frozen to the ground can now get accomplished.

I saw a tweet by a woman who may be my twin in the UK, saying her husband got ahold of excavation equipment, and now her garden resembles the Somme in 1916. But what does she know, she said, she's just a woman who blogs about gardening, food, and family. I had my finger hovering over the follow button, but I scrolled down and decided there were a few red flags and I moved on.

Our forced quarantine is nearly over. We each have had tests come back with no virus detected. ("Negative" is not the preferred terminology, even though the effect is the same.) A few more days, to be sure no symptoms develop, and we can go back to relative normal. I have never wanted to babysit more than when I couldn't. I asked for a photo to put here tonight, and the one that came back put me in the right mindset for a long, cozy winter. The long term weather patterns aren't right for a deep freeze with lots of snow, but the social and public health advisories will keep us inside all the same. I'm ready to loll about with that baby, awake or asleep, watching winter movies and playing kid games. 

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