Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Heavy Drinking

Inspirational song: The Story of Tonight (Hamilton)

After, what, four months, my tolerance for alcohol is basically gone. I've had two sizable glasses of red wine, and I can tell it was way too much. And never enough. I've eaten only crap today, including a hamburger pizza (GF as always), Halloween candy, popcorn, wine, and the GF blondies our neighbors made to lure us over to watch the return with them.

We all were warned that nothing would be final tonight. That doesn't mean we aren't anxious and dyspeptic and fighting dread and headaches. I have no idea how long we will be here tonight, but I'm about to keep pace with A, who had a clever way to track her evening. She has been taking a marker to her wine bottle, noting the level as the electoral college tallies come in. She just claimed her handwriting is getting better as she drinks. Me, I'm just hoping I can make complete sentences and not swear so much I embarrass my family for raising me.

We all have PTSD from 2016. This group is grim. Don't know what to think or do right now. At this point, we are of the opinion that America had a good run, but if this ends the experiment in democracy... We aren't all that interested in living in an authoritarian dystopia. So now what?

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