Thursday, November 26, 2020


Inspirational song: All Together Now (The Beatles)

How was everyone's Zoomsgiving? Ours was way better than I expected it to be. We had three separate family video conferences before we finally ate, including one so big we had to go to two separate breakout rooms for half an hour each after the main get-together. I am feeling surprisingly UN-lonely. There's one more branch of the family I haven't gotten to yet, so maybe we can put together a little something tomorrow to complete the picture.

My cooking theme this year was "brown." As in the crusts on my pies and the skin on my turkey achieved a level of brown far beyond what I intended. Still, we had plenty of food, and it was all good. We drove over to the kids' house, the Mr still in his pajama pants, and he ran up to the door (wearing a surgical mask, even though we both have negative tests so far) to exchange half a turkey, gravy, and a third each of the pecan and pumpkin pies, for green bean casserole, yams with marshmallows, and our traditional jello salad with cranberries, grapes, and pecans. We then had a complete meal in our respective homes. My daughter did a fantastic job with her side of the cooking. It's all I can do not to go back for yet more, even though I have no room still for more food. (The old advertising line was "There's always room for Jell-O!")

Looking at social media, I believe I am the only person in the country who didn't take a photo of dinner. Who would have guessed that? I took a screenshot of one of my video chats, and I believe it is the worst picture of me all year. No makeup, focused on figuring out why the screenshot feature was being difficult, not on angling it to look flattering. Yeah. No matter. It's the only thing I have, and if the bulk of my family could stand to see me like that, then I might as well put it all out there.

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!

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